about us

From our headquarters in Indianapolis, Acorn Advisors has been serving clients across the country by focusing on their desire to do more with their wealth by better understanding their options and making smarter, more informed decisions.

On average, our team members have been working at Acorn for nearly 20 years. Our experience across full market cycles gives us meaningful insight into helping clients prepare for uncertainty, plan for the future, and seize opportunities whenever they surface.

Our core competencies include:

Financial Planning

Retirement & Retirement
Income Planning

Asset Allocation
& Management

Insurance Reviews
& Analysis

Education Planning

Estate Planning

In addition, the personalized service we offer is truly comprehensive.

We do not take a “cookie-cutter” approach. Every client is unique, so every one of our plans is custom built for the individual and their family. We are also deeply experienced in helping small businesses and foundations, which have their own set of challenges.

We are committed to walking you through our planning process, emphasizing education and transparency. Once your full financial plan is in place, we review it with you on a regular basis, making adjustments as needed, because markets change and goals evolve.

No matter the client, we believe strongly in educating them throughout our process, with the goal of helping them become better skilled at both planning and investing.

Our Focus On You

We want you to be well-equipped with the information you need to make smart financial decisions. Having information and insight from a trusted advisor in order to develop a financial plan is the key to the financial future of your dreams.

We want you to see your entire financial picture so we can help make sure you’re on a sound informational footing. We offer you clear, objective advice through our “do no harm” philosophy.

The ongoing collaboration among our team provides you with a distinct competitive advantage as we leverage each member’s area of expertise to best serve your needs.

We are transparent across all aspects of our relationship and will involve you in understanding our recommended path and how it is designed to help accomplish your goals over time.

Understanding your personal situation

We want you to be well-equipped with the information you need to make smart financial decisions. Having information and insight from a trusted advisor in order to develop a financial plan is the key to the financial future of your dreams.

We want you to see your entire financial picture so we can help make sure you’re on a sound informational footing. We offer you clear, objective advice through our “do no harm” philosophy.

Representing your best interests

The ongoing collaboration among our team provides you with a distinct competitive advantage as we leverage each member’s area of expertise to best serve your needs.

We are transparent across all aspects of our relationship and will involve you in understanding our recommended path and how it is designed to help accomplish your goals over time.

We are independently owned

Our independence assures the objectivity of our advice

We practice what we preach

Because we are independently owned and not subject to a corporate agenda that might put shareholders’ interests ahead of clients’ interests, we have the freedom and flexibility to focus solely on your priorities.

This allows us to fulfill the fiduciary standard of placing your best interests ahead of our firm’s. This freedom also enables us to source an unlimited array of investment products, including access to private investments and alternative investments.

When it comes to investing, we “practice what we preach” and typically hold similar investments to those we recommend for our clients.

We take our fiduciary responsibility seriously, committed to doing what is right for each client’s unique situation.